Michael Dong
Matt. 5.44–48; Eph. 4.21–24; Rom. 12.19
The problem isn’t other people. The problem is me!
Sermon Outline
1. The Problem is Me: Instead of blaming others, we must recognise our own sinful nature and take responsibility for our responses.
2. Love Your Enemies: Jesus commands us to respond to offence not with anger or revenge, but with love, prayer, and forgiveness.
3. Put Off the Old Man: The Christian life is about transformation—dying to pride, bitterness, and self-justification, and growing into Christ’s likeness.
Questions to think about
1. Why is it so difficult to take responsibility for our own reactions instead of blaming others?
2. How can we practically apply Jesus’ command to ‘Love your enemies’ in everyday situations?
3. What are some ways you might unknowingly cling to our ‘old man’ (the pre-Christian version of you): how could you surrender these struggles to God?